After Trump’s shocking victory, many of our professors began class with an opportunity for us to voice any fears or feelings we were harboring. One of my professors spoke about how studying linguistics is a way to study what unites us as humans: this strange ability called “language.” Despite all...
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Tuesday’s Results Don’t Matter*
Obviously there is a lot of uncertainty in the polling numbers coming out of the election. Most articles on can be reduced to “we’re pretty sure what’s going on, but also absolutely anything could happen.” Regardless, if we take even the worst numbers for Trump, he’s somewhere around 40%...
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Comparing Captioned Phones: ClearCaptions Vs. CapTel
The interwebs are severely lacking any objective comparisons of the two major captioned (landline) telephones on the market: The ClearCaptions Ensemble and the CapTel 840i.
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How CUNY Made Me a Trump Supporter
Disclaimer: I am not a Trump supporter.
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Captioning Around the Country: CART vs C-Print
In the past 6 weeks, I have interviewed or attended Open Houses at 8 different schools around the country. Don’t get me wrong, I am flattered and humbled by the positive responses I received from my PhD applications.
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